Vauxhall Owners Club for all Vauxhall Opel Models - Specialising in Retro Vauxhall Opel's (Pre 2000)
Welcome to the Vauxhall Owners Club for all Vauxhall Opel Models - Specialising in Retro Vauxhall Opel's (Pre 2000). |
Welcome to the VODC site - Vauxhall Opel Owners Club - a Vauxhall Opel Car Club which covers all models. Free to join as a Registered User. UPGRADE TO CLUB MEMBER FOR ONLY £15 PER YEAR - click on THE WORDS 'VODC MEMBERSHIP DETAILS' in the Navbars once registered to find out more. We attend many events and shows including the VBOA Rally at Billing Aquadrome and many other local and National Shows. To register on the site please click this link: register If you are already a full paid up member of the VODC (i.e. you have a current membership card) then please e-mail me your username and real name once you have registered and we will upgrade you to 'Club member' access.
Forum |
Last Post |
Threads |
Posts |
Welcome to the Vauxhall Opel...
by Vauxhallnutter Mark
17-02-12 02:09 PM
1 |
1 |
Say hello to fellow members or post anything else not covered on other parts of the site plus see the rules of the site and see some helpful tips.
If you have recently registered post a message in here to introduce yourself and your wheels
Hello, VODC from Hazmod
by chris.h
28-07-17 04:25 PM
2,021 |
25,098 |
General Vauxhall Chat
Vauxhall chat not covered in the 'Vauxhall Opel Drivers Clubs'
Private |
0 |
0 |
The Lounge (1 Viewing)
Non Vauxhall Chat, cars, the weather anything really other than Vauxhall! Please note there may be a delay in posts appaering as all posts are judged for suitability before being allowed.
So what did you do to your...
by etd
19-10-17 04:08 PM
3,051 |
30,698 |
Want to attract someones attention without sending a PM? Then this is the place to do it!
by Paul L
26-07-16 08:04 PM
119 |
667 |
VODC Events and Meets
The place to find out what is happening in world VODC. please check regularly for updates on VBOA, National, Regional and international Events
VBOA National Rally
2017 marks a new era in the history of the VBOA National Rally. It will be held at the after being held at Billing Aquadrome for the past 34 years. Please keep a regular eye on this section for the latest news.
VBOA National Rally 2017 -...
by lord13
09-09-17 06:32 AM
93 |
2,506 |
National and Regional Events
General National and Regional events - Please post any Events VODC or non VODC within here
Urgent support needed for...
by iangte
10-06-17 08:43 PM
231 |
2,829 |
International Events and meetings
May 21st, 2017 |...
by M&M Dronten
16-12-16 12:22 PM
8 |
35 |
VODC Market Place
For Sale or wanted ad's for cars, parts and accessories.
Cars For Sale or Wanted (1 Viewing)
Please only post complete running cars with MOT in here.
roof box £3
by Paul L
19-10-17 04:03 PM
469 |
4,533 |
Parts and Accessories For Sale or Wanted
Please post parts for sale or wanted in here only.
Monza parts
08-09-17 12:32 PM
1,273 |
7,873 |
Restoration projects and cars breaking
Please only post complete cars which are suitable for restoration or breaking for parts.
Vectra B estate
by ct58
24-05-17 12:07 PM
20 |
413 |
Club Members Non Car Related Items For Sale or Wanted
For club members to advertise their non car related for sale or wanted items
Bosch SDS Drill For Sale
by touringcar
15-05-15 07:18 PM
82 |
524 |
Vauxhall Opel Drivers Clubs
Chat about your cars, other peoples cars, post up or answer help requests etc in the dedicated forums below. NO FOR SALE OR WANTED AD'S PLEASE - PUT THESE IN THE 'MARKET PLACE SECTION'
VODC Drivers Clubs A to D (7 Viewing)
All the drivers clubs from A to D can be found in here, they include The Agila, Ascona, Astra, Bedford, Cavalier, Calibra, Carlton, Chevette, Cresta and Corsa Clubs
astra 3 box
by Paul L
19-10-17 08:21 AM
1,857 |
33,164 |
VODC Drivers Clubs E to O (10 Viewing)
All the drivers clubs from E to O can be found in here, they include The Frontrea/Monteray & Mokka, Insignia, Kadett, Manta, Monaro/VXR8 & Maloo, Meriva, Monza, Nova and Omega Clubs
Assistance Please
by whiskey mike
20-10-17 05:37 PM
1,083 |
15,355 |
VODC Drivers Clubs P to Z (2 Viewing)
All the drivers clubs from E to O can be found in here, they include The Rekord/Commadore, Royale, Signum, Senator, Tigra, Vectra, Victor, Viva and Zafia Clubs
Viva HC SL estate YBM100L
by lord13
23-09-17 08:45 AM
1,180 |
13,287 |
All the Rest - Vauxhall, Opel or Holden
Anything else Vauxhall, Opel or Holden thats not covered above. A new forum might be added if there is enough interest in a particular model not already listed
Vivaro van
by Vauxhallnutter Mark
02-02-17 07:40 AM
35 |
287 |
Other Manufacturers
A Place for the ones who still love this place even though they have moved on From the Vauxhall/Opel marque
The new family...
by Vauxhallnutter Mark
02-04-17 09:26 PM
75 |
1,328 |
Post your event pictures, video's etc in this section
VODC Events Gallery
Pictures from events and shows that we have attended.
engine pic
by iangte
24-07-17 08:36 PM
218 |
1,596 |
Non VODC Event Gallery (2 Viewing)
Been to an event that we didn't attend as a club? Then why not share your photo's in here.
Alive and VDubbin at Jimmys...
by ct58
22-06-16 05:58 PM
190 |
1,428 |
General Gallery (1 Viewing)
Careful what you post in here! Images deemed un suitable will be deleted!
Gosford Car Museum
by touringcar
07-04-17 08:36 PM
188 |
1,523 |
Videos from our events and other Vauxhall Opel related videos etc. Courtesy of 'You tube' If you have a You tube account (free to register and upload) then feel free to post links to your video's or other video's on the site.
Why on earth has the Astra K...
by JezInBrum
29-01-17 04:03 PM
97 |
450 |
Links to other websites which may be of interest to other members.
E-bay links
Seen something on e-bay which you think someone else might be interested in? Then post a link in here.
by Paul L
03-08-17 06:27 PM
1,747 |
10,883 |
Other Web sales links
Links to cars or parts for sale on other sites apart from e-bay.
Vauxhall omega 2.5 reflection...
by snowy
26-04-16 06:54 AM
441 |
2,737 |
What's Going On?
Currently Active Users: 36 (4 members and 32 guests)
Most users ever online was 1,750, 23-03-16 at 02:14 PM.
Everetsmage, herushki, Rickyriz, vauxhallmike
Vauxhall Owners Club for all Vauxhall Opel Models - Specialising in Retro Vauxhall Opel's (Pre 2000) Statistics
Threads: 17,654, Posts: 187,820, Members: 20,375, Active Members: 17,782
Welcome to our newest member, Richremub
Today's Birthdays
cavman40 (48)
All times are GMT. The time now is 08:25 AM.